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Hilarious Memes for Moms of Tweens and Teens



Most days we need some parenting humor to get us through the day doing the hardest job on earth! Parenting tweens and teens is kinda like raising toddlers with armpit hair.
There is nothing like laughing with other mothers who understand. Laughter truly is the very best medicine for our parenting aliments.
The capacity to laugh at ourselves and share the funny, stressful moments normalizes so much of what it’s like for each of us when we’re parenting our kids.
Laughter is like an emotional facelift – it lightens and lifts our mood.
Laughter says “me too!” or “Oh my gosh, I’m not the only one!”
So here are a few parenting memes for your week. Share them if you’d like and spread the humor around only let’s do it directly from the source and show them gratitude for their humor to help us laugh at ourselves.

Out teenagers know how to get to the best of us…

funny parenting teens and tweens
So true! Everytime! What’s up with that?

Those were the days my friend…

funny parenting tweens and teens
Said every Mother of a teenage boy…

funny parenting teens and tweens
photo credit 8bitnerds.com


My fantasy if I only had a tree house…

funny parenting memes
photo credit 8bitnerds

Seems like a good deal to me!



Most days parenting a teen…

parenting funny tweens and teens



I hope these memes bring a smile to your face! Parenting our kids at any age – young, adolescent or even older is a lot smoother with a dose of humor, honesty and humility!

Enjoying the motherhood ride with you!

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