7 Tips To Help You Stress Less This Holiday Season
I’m so happy my son is coming home because my whole family will be together.
But I’m freaking out because I’m so behind, why didn’t I start sooner!?
Lucky for me my Christmas decorations haven’t even been put away in their rightful places from last year. They’re still sitting there in boxes at the bottom of the basement stairs. That will save me time!
I can’t believe I’ve barely started shopping and my friends already have decorated Christmas trees.
It’s so easy at this time of year to feel overwhelmed.
Without being conscious of it, I can often go through the holidays on auto-pilot; stressed out with a long list of “to-dos,” not even stopping long enough to think about what really matters to me.
As I self-reflect and write about this, I’m thinking to myself – what is it that I’m longing for underneath all my busyness?
What is my busyness all about really?
This holiday season let’s give some thought to what really matters and how we will create more of that rather than getting sucked into all that robs us of enjoying this time of year.
So here are 7 questions to ask ourselves:
What really matters to you?
How can you carve out time for those things? What will you do to keep this front and center?
How will you make time to slow down and care for yourself?
What will you do to have fun?
Where can you ask for help when you’re feeling overwhelmed?
What are the things that suck your energy (i.e. – this can be family members that irritate you or past hurts, “shoulding yourself,” not asking for help, trying to keep everyone happy)? What will you do to help yourself when these things try to creep in?
What are a few words that describe how you want to show up?
What really matters to me is being present, connecting with family and having fun.
I will carve out time for these things by letting go of the house being perfect. I’m going to order many of my presents on Amazon.
I’m going to care for myself by making time for downtime. I’m going to savor my coffee and read in the morning before everyone wakes up. I’m going to spend time with my husband and take a yoga class and go for some walks.
I’m going to have fun by embracing my playful self and having fun!
I’m going to lovingly detach (as much as I can) from the things that I can’t control – when my kids argue, my relative irritates me, and I’m going to really try hard to not allow all the messes around the house drive me crazy. “Shoulds” and perfectionism suck my energy. So does trying to make everyone happy (so exhausting).
I’m going to ask for help when stress and low-grade resentment creeps in.
I’m going to DO less and BE present more.
I’m going to breathe into the moment when I notice myself on autopilot. I’m going to notice the Christmas lights, smile at the cashier, and enjoy the simplicity of the season.
Connection. Play. Be.
These are my three words!
Who knows? Maybe this will be the best and most meaningful and fun Thanksgiving and holiday season ever!
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