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The Back-To-School Season Is Stressful For Moms And Kids

The back-to-school season is the most stressful season of all. I know how hard it can be for you and your kids! Whether you have kids in Middle School, High School, or College, the transitions are overwhelming for them. They are struggling to adjust to the early wake-up hours and are overwhelmed with their academics and extracurricular activities, just trying to manage it all. You might have some grumpy tweens or teens on your hands, and you’re trying to encourage them and guide them through this stressful time of the year.

While our kids feel all the pressure and stress of this season, we can feel all the pressure and stress, too! 

It’s so hard to juggle parenting and work and tend to everyone’s needs. It can feel like we have no time left for ourselves as we rush from work to sporting events or activities to support our kids. We are constantly submerged in all the tasks to keep the house in order, the laundry done, and the meals prepared. Hopefully, we have help from other family members, but we all know most of the duties seem to fall on us.

I know it can feel exhausting and overwhelming to parent your kids on top of all your other priorities that fill your days. 

I want to tell you how amazing I think you are for showing up for your kids, for working so hard, and for being the incredible mom that you are. I hope you can find ways to take care of yourself, even though I know it might be a miraculous feat to have any “me time” these days. But please try to put yourself first once in a while. You have to be filled in order to pour yourself out. Living on empty is no way to live, and you, of all people, deserve much-needed nourishment. Fill and fuel yourself by taking a few moments to relax, rest, and do something you love. It will make a world of difference for your mental and physical health.

There are so many ways people cope with their stress. If you need some fun new ideas, check out this post HERE to see what other moms shared!

If you have a child who refuses to go to school, you are not alone in this difficult parenting dilemma. Read THIS for encouragement and guidance.

If you are adjusting to having a college kid out of the home, I know how hard that can be! This post HERE will surely resonate with how much you miss your college kid.

And if your college kid is struggling to adapt to life away from home, this is very common, so know that you aren’t alone in this shaky transition! This post offers some advice on how you can help your college kid HERE.​

If you need additional support, please know I am here for you!! And I would love to have you join our moms of tweens and teens Facebook community. If you haven’t – you can go to our Moms of Tweens and Teens Facebook page HERE, and click on VISIT GROUP located in the upper right corner of the page. Every Wednesday at 9 am Central, I do a FB Live, to personally connect with you, and answer your questions. I’d love for you to join me.

Tons of love to YOU,


P.S. Something big is headed your way in just a couple of weeks! And I can’t wait to tell you all about it! Make sure you have subscribed to our emails for future details! (Hint: It includes 23 amazing parenting experts, authors, and educators, and it’s FREE!)🎉🎉🎉

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