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How To Raise Confident Daughters, Mind, Body, and Spirit with Kristi K. Hoffman

I’m so grateful for you and that you are here.

So many of our tween and teen girls are struggling with depression, anxiety, loneliness, lack of confidence, and body image. 

My special guest today is Kristi K. Hoffman, an award-winning, Emmy-nominated TV host, media producer, journalist, lifestyle influencer, family woman, businesswoman, philanthropist, and best-selling teen social issues author of Total Package Girl: Discover the Ultimate You for Life.

She’s here today to share how we can support our girls in developing the skills and tools necessary to build confidence, overcome obstacles, and chase their dreams.

Let’s dive in! 

How To Raise Confident Daughters, Mind, Body, and Spirit, with Kristi K. Hoffman Moms of Tweens and Teens

Send us a textWelcome friend,Kristi K. Hoffman is an award-winning, Emmy-nominated TV host, media producer, journalist, lifestyle influencer, family woman, businesswoman, philanthropist, and best-selling teen social issues author of Total Package Girl: Discover the Ultimate You for Life.As a journalist and media professional starting out in a time when men dominated the industry, Kristi realized there was a massive need to build up girls and help them realize they are capable of anything they set their minds to. She struggled quite a bit with body image and sexual harassment in the early days of her career. As a result, she started the Total Package Girl brand as a resource for young girls to achieve confidence, overcome obstacles, and chase their dreams.Let’s dive in! What you will learn:What Kristi has learned about mentoring, career development, and personal growth for moms.Self-doubt, anxiety, and finding focus in leadership and parenting.Teaching kids self-awareness and self-care through healthy habits and values.What it was like writing a book for girls and incorporating feedback from young readers.Empowering girls through leadership and self-care.Self-care for moms and prioritizing personal well-being.Where to find Kristi and Mentioned in this Episode:WebsiteInstagramFacebookKristi's Book: Total Package Girl: Discover the Ultimate You for LifeMindset by Carol DweckSupport the showCheck out our Moms of Tweens and Teens website HERESign up for our Moms of Tweens and Teens newsletter HERE Find more encouragement, wisdom, and resources: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/momsoftweensandteens/ Join our Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Momsoftweensandteens Find awesome resources on MOTTs University: https://www.mottsuniversity.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/momsoftweensandteens/ Sheryl also has an Inner Circle weekly Parenting Program with a community of like-minded moms, personal coaching, and tons of resources to equip and support you to love well, navigate the challenges and meet your tween and teen’s unique needs during these pivotal years. Get on the waitlist to get all the details and to be the first to know when it opens! https://momsoftweensandteens.lpages.co/waiting-list-for-membe…

What You Will Learn: 

  • What Kristi has learned about mentoring, career development, and personal growth for moms.
  • Self-doubt, anxiety, and finding focus in leadership and parenting.
  • Teaching kids self-awareness and self-care through healthy habits and values.
  • What it was like writing a book for girls and incorporating feedback from young readers.
  • Empowering girls through leadership and self-care.
  • Self-care for moms and prioritizing personal well-being.

Where to find Kristi:

Find more encouragement, wisdom, and resources:

Sign up for our Moms of Tweens and Teens newsletter HERE

And here is the episode typed out!

Welcome to the Moms of Tweens and Teens Podcast. If some days you doubt yourself and don’t know what you’re doing. If you’ve ugly cried alone in your bedroom because you felt like you were failing. Well, I just want to let you know you are not alone, and you have come to the right place.

Raising tweens and teens in today’s world is not easy. And I’m on a mission to equip you to love well and to raise emotionally healthy, happy tweens and teens that thrive.

I believe that moms are heroes, and we have the power to transform our families and impact future generations. If you are looking for answers, encouragement, and becoming more of the mom and the woman that you want to be, welcome. I am Sheryl Gould. And I am so glad that you’re here.

SHERYL:  Welcome, Kristi, to the Moms of Tweens and Teens Podcast. I’m so excited to have you here today. 

KRISTI:  Thank you, Sheryl, for having me. I’m delighted to be here.

SHERYL:  We have so many different things we’re going to talk about today. And I am honored to have you on. I just want to read a little about the different things you were involved in. 

You are an award-winning, Emmy-nominated PBS TV host and producer, you have your podcast show, and you’ve written a best-selling teen social issues book, Total Package Girl, written for girls trying to figure themselves out. 

Find themselves and help them to be strong and confident in who they are. And in their own skin. You also put on a huge Leadership Summit for girls last September with more than 250 attendees. And you also have your own media company, correct? 

KRISTI:  Yes. And we’ve had, I think, it was actually like 600 or 700 people at the summit; it was huge.

SHERYL:  Yeah. I didn’t include all the speakers.

KRISTI:  Right, exactly. It was a big deal. But yes, we have been busy at Kristi K Media and beyond. So it’s been a lot of fun and fulfilling.

SHERYL:  There were so many exciting things that you were doing. And I want to start because there’s a lot that we could be talking about that we are going to talk about. 

How did you get started? How did your story kind of end up where you’re doing what you’re doing today?

KRISTI:  Wow, that is a loaded question. I think I started as the youngest of 17 girl cousins growing up. So, there are a lot of girls in my world. And I say this often: I had to fight to use my voice to be heard and seen. 

And I learned to develop competence at an early age and really to stand up for myself. And I think that has held, Believe it or not, my entire life, where when I’m encountering a situation, it wouldn’t be like me to really step up and maybe build consensus, or maybe it’s a meeting. 

And I find myself drawing in some of those earlier life moments with all the girls in the room and making sure that my points are heard and that we’re building consensus. So I think that’s part of it. 

And then, really, having a wonderful family unit is important. And that was a big part of my life as well. So, having great parents and older sisters was a big part of my upbringing. Yeah.

SHERYL:  And did you have a vision for your life? Do you feel like you were in high school when you went to college? You were, what were you, a cheerleader? You were a collegiate cheerleader? So competitive?

KRISTI:  Yes, and good question. I think for me, I always say once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader; I feel like I always am that positive sort of high-energy person. 

I have done sports and cheerleading in high school, then went on to college and became a leader cheerleader. That was a common thread with me; that was always just a part of who I was. 

When you talk about a master plan, it is something I thought about in terms of personal goals. No, I did not necessarily have goals in high school, except that I knew I liked the world of communication, journalism, and broadcasting. That was my realm. 

Fortunately, I had a role model and a teacher who took me aside and told me, I think you should go into broadcasting. And I think he should hone in on public relations as well. And, seed planted, I had that person who helped me plan to see that truly made a difference and set me on a path I never really wavered from.

SHERYL:  Isn’t that just amazing? Like one comment, there are people along the way, including your family and having all those girl cousins, but somebody says they saw you and your gifts and abilities. 

And sometimes we just need that one person to see us and say, “Hey, I think you should do this.

KRISTI:  What you just said is so key. And sometimes, I call them our true blues. In my book, I say that we each need a true blue. Maybe we just have one. Maybe we have a group of true blues, those who would never throw us out under the bus, support us, see us in our strengths and weaknesses, and acknowledge who we are just as we are. 

I think those people make a difference in our world. If we can teach our youth and young kids today to understand what it feels like to have support and have someone see us and our true selves, I think that is a really important skill and lesson we can teach them.

SHERYL:  Yeah. Have you been mentoring? I heard you mentioned on a podcast you are on. You’ve been mentoring girls since you were 18.

KRISTI:  Since the since the age of 18, yes, indeed, that’s been a minute. Yes. As a younger sister of many girls and cousins, I also need to like and care for somebody else. Maybe I never had a younger sibling. So I started volunteering with the Girl Scouts in my local area and then really went on. 

Fast forward a couple of decades; I worked for Girl Scouts of the USA in a volunteer capacity nationally. That is a great gift because I can impact someone’s world and develop confidence in a young girl through programming, body image, confidence, and esteem. And that’s important to me because I see how that seed planted can play out in one’s life.

SHERYL:  Yeah, I’m thinking about when you talked about having that support and then going to college. And what was that like for you? For me, I did not have a vision for my life at that time. 

And I’m so grateful that it’s never too late to have a vision for your life. And I want to tell all the moms listening that I used to think, Oh, I missed the boat. I was in television, but I was in the production side of television. And but I love to act, and I love theater, but I never really had a vision for where I could go with it. 

And I think it was more interested in partying and having fun, and then got married and kind of hung it up. Right, and I had kids, which was great. But then, in my early 50s, even late 40s, I got this vision for my current work. 

So yeah, what do you say? I guess what’s my question? Like, I lacked a vision. And I think some moms are listening, and their kids lack that vision, and they’re like, how do I help my kid have a vision and a purpose for their life? Did you always have that?

KRISTI:  I did not always have a vision. Nor did I have goals growing up necessarily. However, I knew what I liked and what I didn’t like, and I had the gift, and I don’t know where I got this. 

Probably, my parents have discernment, like I didn’t know right from wrong; I understood what felt good to me in terms of my career and what didn’t feel good to me. I chose my collegiate major based on the process of elimination. 

I always tell people I was just like, I don’t think I want to go into math. I don’t think I want to go into science, and ultimately, communication, journalism, and broadcasting flowed forth for me, and I loved that. 

But really, I want to talk about something you just alluded to as well: as moms, we spend so much of our time giving to our kids; maybe we take a step back in our career, maybe we don’t take the promotion, maybe we step out altogether, if we have the luxury to be able to do so out of the career path. 

And then all of a sudden, there comes a day where we say, oh my gosh, who am I now? I am my kid’s mom. And then, what, do I still have the same skill set? Do I? Am I still relevant? 

And I think for moms, before we go to the kid thing for moms, we need to remember at the core of who we are and what our talents are and to continue to nurture those and feed those. That’s important. 

Otherwise, we find ourselves. Maybe the kids leave home, and as you know, when they’re 18 after high school, let’s say they choose to go to college. And suddenly, we’re empty nesters and finding that we didn’t reset our goals.

We don’t know what our new goals are. Because what we did the last time we were in the workplace isn’t necessarily where we are today. 

So I think it’s really important for moms to listen today. All of your audience to continue to kind of recalibrate set goals and do those checkpoints, whether it’s every six months, every year on your birthday, every New Year’s, whatever it may be having a checkpoint to be able to say, Okay, where am I today? 

What’s of interest to me? What are my goals, and continue to set those goals for ourselves? In addition to our kids? 

SHERYL:  And I so agree with you that it does. It starts with us. Once I started my journey to what I’m doing now, it was interesting because once I started, I wasn’t available to my kids 24/7 anymore. And that was such an interesting shift because they had to learn to do much more themselves. 

I remember the first-grade teacher telling me, with my youngest, she’s like, You have to stop tying her shoes. Oh, my gosh, I’m just getting my own life and starting to develop and figure out What I love to do. 

And it’s funny because the production piece returned to what I do now. Wow, those original things I loved but didn’t pursue were always there.

KRISTI:  Love that. And I say that all the time to like blending our talents with our passions. So, like, you had this talent all along. And it might have been dormant for a little while. But in fact, you knew that was still your passion, and look at you now; you blended both of those things, your talents, and your passions. 

And now you’re doing this fabulous Podcast, reaching so many moms and people through your voice, production talents, and passion. So that’s the perfect example of what I say to moms, women, and leaders: explore what you’re good at and passionate about and find that intersection.

SHERYL:  Yes. And I’m curious because I look at you, you’re beautiful, you’re intelligent, you’re all these things, and I can look at you and think, Well, gosh, you’ve always been like that. You probably don’t have any insecurities. 

I’m sure that’s not true. Where have you struggled along the way? I think that our listeners, this is my experience working with moms, feel like we should be, but we’re not enough; we should be this, or we should be that to be able to pursue those dreams. And so, share what that was like for you. Have you struggled with insecurity? Have you struggled with anxiety?

KRISTI:  So you said a word that has been my arch nemesis. And that is, I feel like I got caught up in the shoulds. I should do this and that. I should do this as a parent and a woman in the workforce. As a TV host and producer, these are the things I should do. 

That has caught me in a bit of a trap throughout my life. I call it the what-if thinking to sort of that anxiety trap. What if this happens? What if this doesn’t happen? What if this sort of that whole thing? 

So yes, I think that has led to some anxiety throughout my life and worrying so much about what other people thought. And honestly, I think ironically enough, it was when I got my TV show that that stopped. And you would think it’d be the opposite because all eyes are on you.

There’s so much focus on the physicality, the looks, the beauty, whatever it may be. And I think once I realized what I’m saying, what I’m researching, who I’m interviewing, what we’re speaking about, the topics that may or may not hopefully make a difference in someone’s life. 

That’s what the focus is. And that’s what’s important. And I think that’s where maybe the pendulum shifted for me. I stopped worrying about all the things that other people were thinking. And I started recognizing that the goal was to help others through my research and interviews and allow them to use their voices. And that’s probably one of the biggest learning moments I’ve had as a leader, TV host, etc.

SHERYL:  I love that as a segue because I wonder if a big part of that is how I’m relating. It got my focus away from myself. And more on bringing value and meaning to our kids today. 

I can also include us in that so much of their world now is externally focused with all the social media; they’re looking outside of themselves for that approval, they have all the likes, they see all these influencers, they’re thinking, Oh, if only, I was this or I was that. What do you think about that, and today, in our kids’ struggle?

KRISTI:  I think that’s such a great topic to discuss. And I think it goes back to how we teach our kids goals and what’s important; it starts on the inside. 

And the first thing as moms is that we all struggle with this as well. But, being that role model for our kids externally, if you will, a girl, a boy is watching or learning from us, but also remembering that we have to build strong kids from inside things, self-knowledge, self-competence, I talked about these a lot. 

You and I briefly discussed this and self-esteem, self-confidence, and knowledge. And I think if we can be confident within, it allows us to be a bit more wise and aware of those external forces and messages that we may or may not need to listen to. 

Often, we succumb to that because it’s peer pressure, especially our kids. And I think it’s so hard if we don’t feel grounded in our beliefs, our self-knowledge, our understanding of who we are, our value system, if you will, if we don’t feel strongly about that, it’s really difficult for us to navigate the world of social media, and understand that it also can be harmful can be helpful, too. 

But understanding that we don’t have to succumb to all the peer pressures and teaching our kids that is not easy. It’s tough.

SHERYL:  Where do you think we can start? How do we do that?

KRISTI:  That’s a great question. I think one of the things I talk about often is when, instead of thinking about this as like beauty and looking like everybody else or trying to model what everyone else is doing, let’s think about this from a healthy perspective. 

I talk about it in my book, really sort of; it’s called Total Package, Girl Discover the Ultimate You for Life. And the total package, part of that is body, brain, spirit. 

So, I combine things into buckets as a master plan for success. But really, we should be teaching our kids about a healthy body, focusing on our brains, building really smart minds, and making good choices. 

And then also really spiritually, being able to whether it’s meditating, taking care of our emotional health, teaching in those three areas if you will when I say teaching, I mean, parenting, and modeling role modeling that for our kids who are watching us every minute of every day, and making sure that we focus on that, and I think that’s a good place to start.

Is it easy? Oh, no, no, but I think just being able to say, Okay, if I can go for a run, and my kids can see me putting on the tying up the shoes and going for a run and coming home and stretching and grabbing a protein shake. 

Hopefully, what a cool thing for one of my kids to see and emulate. Again, don’t tell them necessarily, but show them that I’m also doing these healthy things. 

SHERYL:  You’re modeling, and it’s very interesting because I found that even though one of my kids was not into physical exercise, I was modeling that they are now in their 20s, so it might not be. 

You might be doing that modeling for that mom, and it might not have taken root yet. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not going to take root because they are watching truly seeds planted even.

KRISTI:  Now, maybe in a decade, they might all of a sudden be like, Okay, wow, they did hear me, they did see me, and I think that’s a really valuable lesson from our message maybe for moms is to recognize especially if you have younger kids that what you’re showing them what you’re teaching them they are listening they hear you.

Sometimes, we don’t know if it will ever take root, as you said, but when it does – all this hard work we put in – they’re listening.

SHERYL:  It just takes a little time, but hey, keep the faith. And what led you to write the book? And you also interviewed girls for this book? And I want to hear about what that was like.

KRISTI:  That’s a great question. So part of this whole thing for me is like, okay, perfection has been a bit of a theme and difficult for me throughout my life. 

So I knew from an early age, as I said earlier when I was volunteering with girls, whether they were inner city troops, or what have you, I knew that at some point, I’d love to have like this little tool book that I could leave behind the girls and write something. 

So, from an early age, I have always known that I wanted to write a book and be an author, something that would help others. And then I found that it was girls. I just really, that’s what I want. 

I’m a female; I can write this book; I get it. So, I started writing this book; I felt like I was writing this. I don’t know if you do this, but I often journal. And just as things hit me throughout the day, I’ve been doing this for years. I write little notes down or little mantras or little quotes. Do you do that?

SHERYL:  I do. I journal and write what I feel I need to hear. Oh, that’s good. I like that. And they’re messages I need to hear. So yes.

KRISTI:  Let’s now pull that journal out again.

SHERYL:  Because it does, it helps me, so anyway, yeah, I started writing.

KRISTI:  Yeah, I feel like I was always writing this book. Well, then, I started writing more seriously. When my kids entered junior high, I thought I needed to start writing this book on what I knew.

I want to present something about competence, body image, self-esteem, anti-bullying, and Mean Girls versus Total Package Girls. I was intrigued by that. I got into this when I was probably three years into the process. 

And a husband said to me one day, how are you doing and publishing that book? And I was like, I don’t like it. And he said, Why don’t you like it? And I said I don’t know. He said, What does it need? And I said, Girls, it needs girls to read this manuscript; I think I know from the research I’ve done, but I need to have girls read this. 

So I copied a bunch of manuscripts and got some red Sharpies. And I picked different within the age group and the target audience, but different ages and different sorts of schools. 

And girls, different ethnicities, and all of the above. And I got a nice representative sampling of those I thought would read the book. 

And I said, do me a favor, and please read this, take a Sharpie on this manuscript, and just tell me what you like and don’t like; if you get a chapter read, that’s great. I’ll take your feedback. I got the feedback. 

And it was incredible. I was right; I needed girls to read the book. They were like, no, this doesn’t make sense. No. Like, yes, I love this more on bullying, on this, more on body image. 

And I incorporated their feedback and, of course, acknowledged them in the book as well. And just said, like, you made this book, what it is, and then publish it. And the rest is history. 

And it’s been something that, for me, was an aha moment for many reasons. Many of the issues of when I was a girl are still around. But it was a great process to incorporate girls into the book into the messaging, and it gave me the finger on the pulse of what girls need today.

SHERYL:  And what do you feel like after having your big event? What do you feel girls are saying, or what do they need today?

KRISTI:  Many of the girls in my Girl Leadership Summit are struggling with anxiety and depression. We were at the time, and they can now talk about it and address it on stage, which was wonderful at the Leadership Summit. 

Also, loneliness, confidence, and body image were the themes. I would say the one thing that we can teach our girls about those topics is leading. 

I think of it after the summit and all the girls I work with if we can teach them to find that one thing and go deeper into that, whether it’s dance, whether it’s an instrument, whether it’s their art, whatever that may be something that shows they show interest in and also that they can go deeper into and feel connected. 

That is a really big theme that comes out in my girl leadership suits every year. You know, some girls are; we do have a dance team that comes in. And some of these girls didn’t start with any formal dance because their families couldn’t afford a dance company, let’s say. 

And their hard work paid off because that’s what they had. They had a work ethic. So those are some of the themes that showed up. Girls at the end of the story share how hard work, resilience, compassion, and kindness for others, giving back to the community, fighting through anxiety and depression, and building a support system all mattered.

SHERYL:  That’s powerful. I’m thinking of the earlier question when we talked about how we instill these things in our kids, and you’re building the power of community and giving them somewhere to go where they can to gather, experience something, talk about their struggles and challenges, and then helping them to think about what do I want

What do I want my life to look like? How can I proactively set goals? What’s going to give my life meaning? And we need our kids to need that?

KRISTI:  Yes, and so many of the themes in my mind came back to being healthy, like taking care of oneself. Self-care, where there’s another self, self-care, and self-love. 

We also talk much about being so proud of who we are. And part of being a leader and stepping out even when you’re scared to death to lead a group or lead a team or whatever it may be, especially as a youngster, a junior high child, an adult, a young adult, part of just being a leader is feeling so confident in what you know to be true. 

You can step out and do something you were afraid to do, like facing a fear or taking a healthy risk. But part of it is, again, it comes back to, as I’ve said earlier, just teaching our kids to be not only proud of who they are but also know who they are and what they stand for, and then not being afraid to really step out and put their voices forward.

SHERYL:  So many good things that you just said. And do you find that? Are you familiar with Carol Dweck Spock’s growth mindset? And I love that because, on my nightstand, I love that book. 

That book was one of the life changers for me because I thought I had to have it all figured out before I did it. And that was like, no, I’m just going to step out in courage. Try this. 

And I’ll probably be really bad at it when I first do it. But the more I do it, the better I’ll get at it. And so I love that whole growth mindset. And that’s what I hear you saying: to step out and have that courage to try something. 

We might not be good at it when we first do it, but when our kids do it, try it. But we’re doing it out there and in the game. And what a difference that makes.

KRISTI:  So true. And I think it’s funny, even in writing the book, speaking on that, or doing television now, being in the business world for as long as I was. Some of these lessons I learned as a teenager or in my 20s are the same. 

Now, just sort of absorb things like a sponge and learn everywhere you go; there’s always more room to learn, lead, and grow. I say that on my TV show is one of my taglines. 

It’s just that no matter where we go, we can always find someone to learn from. And I think that’s also a good message for our kids. And the other piece is this whole business of listening to our kids and what they’re telling us. 

And maybe they’re not telling us anything through their words, but they’re showing us their thoughts. They’re showing us how they feel through their actions. 

So, as parents, if we can just take a minute to watch and observe, our kids will know a lot more about what they’re trying to tell us and where they may want to go. So that’s something I also say to moms often: really, let’s take a step back and listen and watch what they’re doing and saying, and from there, we go. We have to follow their lead.

SHERYL:  We can often have our agenda of what we want it to look like versus stepping back, watching, listening, and paying attention to what they’re saying. Absolutely. Not easy.

KRISTI:  Very hard to do. You’re right. And you know, and I think the one thing I will say is, this whole issue of discernment in today’s world, and teaching our kids what to look for, without giving them so much fear. 

With drugs and trafficking, there are so many issues out there now with cyberbullying and predators online; there are so many things that we could worry about.

How do we explain and talk with our kids so they’re aware of their surroundings and the choices they’re making? And they can make healthy choices without making them so fearful that they don’t even want to socialize? 

It’s a tough challenge and a problem as parents to understand what that balance and that fine line; I do think, to this point, constant communication, with our kids being present, even if you’re not with them all the time, just being there, being near having those family dinners, having the opportunity to connect at the park, take a walk, whatever that routine is, as a parent, we can help our kids not only to communicate and express but really to develop a connection with us for the long term.

SHERYL:  We have to slow down, as you’re saying. We have to put our phones down, and we have to work on being present and hearing what they have to say; a lot of it is just being present, saying less, not having to have all the answers but listening to them because there’s so much wiser than we give them credit for

And that’s self-respect. What does it mean for me to respect myself? What does it mean for me to love myself? They do have those answers inside of them. 

And I know through your book and the events you host that that’s the big thing you’re helping these kids to internalize, like, who am I? What do I want?

KRISTI:  And who do I surround myself with? How do I choose my friends? How do I make decisions based on my goals going forward? What does that look like? 

And I think, yeah, any kind of self-analysis that they can do, and how we teach our kids who they are, sort of let them explore who they are. And allow them those opportunities to have some adventure or gentleness. Let’s be very hard. Sometimes, we want to protect them. But it is also really important to let them do and experience some things independently and see what they like. 

And I think as moms, in particular, it’s hard sometimes to let go and let our kids go explore, especially with what we know about the risks that are out there in the world. But really, being able to allow them the opportunity to also have a growth mindset.

SHERYL:  Let’s just talk briefly because this is something that’s come up quite a bit; you write about it, you talk about it, the cyberbullying piece; what are you saying about cyberbullying?

KRISTI:  Well, I mean, it’s everywhere. It’s everywhere. And it’s everything from if we don’t have the right, I’ll just call it a water mug. If we don’t wear the right clothing, we are ostracized. It’s as bad as it’s ever been. 

I think the implications are tied to whether it’s Instagram, X, or Snapchat; these are powerful tools. When we give our kids a phone, we need to understand what they see on social media and what they’re exposed to. 

Whether it’s pornographic images or gaming that is extremely violent, these are things that our kids see. And as parents, we cannot be blind to that. 

So clearly the implications, Instagram, let’s say, on girls and their esteem, and some of the research that we’re seeing in that regard, whether it’s girls committing suicide, or attempting to commit suicide, same with boys, those numbers have gone up. Some studies tie very clearly to some influencers and social media influences. 

So yeah, it’s out there. It’s prevalent. I think. As parents, we cannot brush it under the rug when we give our kids a mobile device. And it’s tough because we want them to have a phone to communicate with us and maybe do certain things, like watch funny YouTube videos. 

But along with that comes so much more. So we just need to be aware, as parents, that there’s still a lot of dialogue that needs to occur when we give them their phones when they’re on their phones. 

And it may be something as simple as, Okay, nighttime phones go in the kitchen, or, you’re not going to be on them after a certain time and being, I think, being aware of what they may be seeing, what those risks could be. Yes,

SHERYL:  I think that is where the listening piece you mentioned is really important because we need to be paying attention, listening, not just to what they’re saying, but to what they’re not saying. 

And if we can listen, we’re going to be more of that safe place where our kids will be more willing to open up and talk to us about what’s happening. 

So this has been so good. And what do you feel like? We talked about a lot of different things. But what is one thing we didn’t touch on that you feel is important to discuss? Is there anything we left unsaid that is coming to your mind?

KRISTI:  I think sometimes, as moms, we also need support; we focus so much on our kids, and how do we take care of ourselves? And I just want to tell all your moms and listeners, don’t forget to take care of yourself. 

And don’t feel guilty when you do so. Find out what it is that if you don’t like yoga, maybe it’s meditation. If you don’t like meditation, maybe it’s a walk in the park, maybe it’s whatever it may be, maybe it’s calling a friend, maybe it’s prayerful dialogue, whatever it may be. 

As moms, we need to put that at the top of our to-do list, not at the bottom, like, Oh, if there’s enough time, I’ll meditate. No, no, no, I’m going to wake up in the morning, I’m going to breathe, I’m going to meditate, I’m going to do something for myself, I’m going to eat healthier, or whatever those goals may be that just keep us on the right track. 

And make us feel good about ourselves. We just need to remember that we must take care of ourselves. And it’s so easily forgotten as moms; we are running and dancing as fast as possible. And sometimes, we forget that we’re losing ourselves in the process.

SHERYL:  That is such a good reminder. And it’s funny that you say that because out of all of our blog posts, I think I know why it’s this way. All of our self-care blog posts do not do well. They don’t do well. 

And I think it’s because we are so busy trying to get it right. Trying to be that perfect mom and take care of what you are talking about, perfection, we’re so busy doing for our families. 

And we feel like if our kids are struggling, it’s my fault; I must be doing something wrong. We’re on a treadmill, trying to keep up with everything happening and coming at us. 

Versus just like so much of it is how am I doing as a parent because I’m taking care of myself? And I’m talking about me. What are my kids doing if I’m taking care of myself? Does that impact me? Absolutely. But it’s not as huge; I will have greater patience for it or presence because I’m stopping to care for myself. 

And it’s like that inside-out parenting. And I think we get that. We can get our wires crossed with that. But just think about when you’re working and taking care of yourself. And you’re taking care of your family. Suppose you’re taking care of yourself. I imagine you feel a ton better. Walking around through your busy day. And I know you have to have a lot of energy. So, do you do a lot of self-care?

KRISTI:  People might wonder where you got all that energy. And I don’t know; I think I was born with it. But, no, I am a list maker. I have to start the night before and say when I get up, I will have a meditation app. I’m going to meditate. I’m going to make myself, you know, a green smoothie. 

I’ll make five things happen. I’ll drink a glass of water in the morning with a little lemon. Those kinds of things. I put that on my to-do list before I start my day; otherwise, I will not do them. 

And that sounds silly. Maybe, but those little things start my day the right way and start feeling like, Hey, I matter. And I’m really important. And I think, just women, taking care of ourselves is just it; it’s kind of a misnomer. 

Sometimes, we just forget about it. So I think setting those, whether it’s an action item or an actual goal, what is our life goal, and then those little incremental objectives that we can set for ourselves that make us stay on track for our health.

Maybe I always tell my girlfriends not to forget to get your mammogram and remind them, and they do that for me. We take care of others that way as reminders of our th. And what’s important?

SHERYL:  Yes, it’s really good. Yeah, those basic things we need to do to take care of ourselves will take our kids to the doctor, but are we going? I do. Yeah, exactly. 

Well, Kristi, it’s so good to talk to you. And I want you to tell them where to find you, where to find your book, how they can know what’s in the works; you’re mentioning a new TV show you’ll be doing, so tell them all about it.

KRISTI:  Yes. So kristikhoffman.com. Or it can be https://kristikmedia.com/

It is the same deal: same website, one word, and then it is also on social media, @kristikmedia on Instagram, X, and Facebook. 

And yes, I have been working for PBS doing a television show, Business Life 360, with Kristi K. I will soon start my own YouTube TV show to continue getting the voices out there to discuss topics that may haven’t been talked about so openly. So that’s going to be coming soon. 

So it might be something tied to Kristi K after hours. And I’m excited about that as well. 

So, getting my messaging out is your messaging and other women, other voices, other people doing incredibly wonderful things, success-driven people, and discussing topics we need to explore more. So that’s kind of the upcoming things for me.

SHERYL:  I love it. And they can find out about that when it’s coming by going to your website and checking you out.

KRISTI:  Instagram @kristikmedia or X, the same thing, and Facebook are all things we’ll put. We’ll keep people updated on when that’s coming.

SHERYL:  Okay. And then you are doing another event for girls in the fall.

KRISTI:  In the fall of 2024. So, we will also keep you posted on that through social media. 

SHERYL:  Great. Thank you so much, Kristi, for coming on, inspiring, and empowering us. So I appreciate you and all you’re doing.

KRISTI:  Likewise. Thanks for having me. Thank you.

Thanks for reading “How To Raise Confident Daughters, Mind, Body, and Spirit with Kristi K. Hoffman.” I hope you were encouraged, informed, and inspired!

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