5 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions, Here’s How
Some of us are a little cynical towards New Year’s resolutions, believing them to be a waste of time. However, experts say that people who actually resolve to make positive changes do much better than those who want to make the same changes without setting goals. What’s more, statistics show that at the end of January, some 64% of those who make resolutions stick with it. In six months, the number drops to 44%, according to Norcross, author of Changing for Good. I must admit: these statistics are better than I thought!
Making resolutions is a great first step, but how do you keep your New Year’s resolutions and wind up on the winning side?
Here are the most common New Year’s resolutions for women:
Lose weight.
Get organized.
Spend more time with family.
Find meaningful work or a new passion.
Learn something new/pick up a new hobby.
Enjoy life to the fullest.
Read more.
These are all great goals. However, without a proper game plan, our goals are little more than a wish, and the chance that we will end up in the drop-off group is high. Each of us desires to be successful and fulfill our potential. So I’m sharing these strategies because I want each of us to succeed!
In order to make your resolutions stick, here are 5 strategies to help you succeed:
1. Less is more.
The number one reason people fail is they take on too many goals at once. Research shows that when you take on too many goals all at once, you often accomplish none. Forming new habits takes time, commitment, and intentionally thinking through what it is that you need to do every day to move forward.
2. Write them down.
This is essential if you want to be successful. It’s amazing when I look back at my goals from several years ago and realize how many goals I’ve accomplished just by writing them down!
3. Find an accountability partner.
Sometimes the best accountability partners are not friends. Instead, find a coach or someone who has accomplished what you want to accomplish. Go to school on them. What did they do to succeed? Be accountable and check in with this person daily or weekly. Find a like-minded group that can help you stay motivated in reaching your goals (for example – depending on your goals this could be a Meetup, fitness, or Mastermind group)
4. Adopt the mantra, “One day at a time, One choice at a time, One baby step forward = Success.”
The success of our goals depends on building one habit at a time. In the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, “The One Thing” Gary Keller and Jay Papasan talk in depth about picking one thing – the most important thing and starting with a single step. It goes like this – “Focus on ONE thing at a time, line up all the habits to hit that big goal and tackle them in order. The ONE Thing you should do today feeds into your ONE Thing this week, then this month… and so on. These small steps create the path to your ONE big goal.”
5. Embrace personal growth as a way of life.
What do all successful people have in common? They embrace learning and growing and strive to be the best version of themselves every day. They don’t see growth as a destination to be reached, but rather an excited adventure to be lived.
This quote really sums it up for me:
“What you get by reaching your goals is not nearly as important as what you become by reaching them.” -Zig Ziglar
There is no magic bullet to achieving our goals. It takes commitment, support, and hard work, but I believe the process of learning and growing is worth more than attaining the goal. Setting goals is not a race with a finish line, it’s a life process that we embrace – the mistakes and successes of growing and developing towards your potential each and every day.