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Starting February 1st Put A Heart on Your Kid’s Door to Tell Them All The Things That We Appreciate and Love About Them!

valentine's day hearts on doors

This month, and leading up to Valentine’s Day, we are going to provide you with ideas, inspiration, and tips that can help you to connect with your tween and teen’s heart.

We challenge you to cut out 14 hearts and write an affirmation or message of love on each heart.

Every morning from February 1st to February 14th stick one of those hearts somewhere your child is sure to see it.

Let’s remind our kids and ourselves how much they mean to us!

 And we want to make it easier for you!

 Want some help and reminders?

Sign up here, we would love to send you some printable ready to cut out hearts and some affirmations to help get the ball started rolling, and reminders to get those hearts done!

Click here to: SIGN ME UP!

Did you know that there is actually research that shows that for every one negative comment we need 5 positives to counteract that one negative?!

5 to 1!! Seriously?

If you’re like me, it’s easy to nag, lecture, and point out all the things that my kids are forgetting, not doing or what needs improving (because as we know there can be a lot!).

Last year, we put a challenge out there – leading up to Valentine’s Day moms were encouraged to put a positive, specific affirmation on their child’s door or mirror or wherever. We provided the hearts and some positive affirmations to help make it easy.

And you know what?!!

Emails poured in from moms sharing the transformation that was happening in their homes – just because they were sharing with their kids what they appreciated about them…

“Thank you! My daughter truly loved this! She anxiously waited each day for the new heart!”

– Candace

“This is one of the best things I’ve done for my kiddos for a long time! Their reactions to the hearts have totally shocked me and showed me that maybe they needed a little bit of encouragement daily that maybe I wasn’t giving, although these things are in my heart and I feel them every day. This is one of the best ideas I’ve ever come across! Thank you so much!” – Stevanie

“I love this idea and did it this morning for my kids and husband. Big hit!!! Thank you for helping me show my family how much I love them :-)” – Sheri

“Hi Sheryl, 

This email has come at the perfect time. I had a fight with my oldest daughter at the weekend. And this is what I needed to show her that no matter what happens I will always love her.”  – Joyce

“Thanks again for the thought-provoking idea of building our children up with positive reinforcement. It keeps it in the forefront of our minds throughout the day 🙂 my son put one on my door this morning :). It’s not surprising that one of his hearts I gave to him was for compassion.

Enjoy your day and thanks!

Building stronger hearts one day in February at a time!


“Sheryl, when I gave a heart to my son you would have thought I had hung the moon. He read every heart out loud. He has been constantly telling me how specific made him feel!!”

– Suzanne

Send me the templates!

Our kids need to know how much they matter. They desperately need us to notice what they are doing well and how much we appreciate them.

What we focus on grows. Focus on the positive, build them up and you will find that just like watering a flower it grows. We want to plant seeds in our kid’s lives that bring life


I’d love to hear the transformation that happens in your home and kid’s spirit when you share these Valentine’s affirmations with your kids!

Sign up here for pre-filled and blank templates as well as a list of affirmations!

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