How to Know When Your Teen Needs Help
How do we know if their rebellious behavior is normal or not?
Parenting a teenager can be confusing. Years ago, I didn’t know what to do when my oldest daughter seemed to be spinning out of control—wreaking stress and havoc in our home. At the time, I didn’t know if I was over or under-reacting. I was conflicted as to what was normal adolescent behavior and what wasn’t.
So, how do we know if their rebellious behavior is normal or not? For some of us, we may fear the worst, only to have our spouse downplay our concerns. Are we off? Are we too reactive? Or, are we ignoring the warning signs?
If you find yourself overwhelmed, scared and not sure what to do or if it seems like you have tried everything and nothing seems to be working, this assessment is for you.
The Assessment Tool will help you to discern the difference between somewhat normal teenage behaviors and when your child needs immediate help. It was developed by Heartlight, a residential counseling center for struggling teens and modeled after years of working with thousands of teenagers.
This assessment will only takes a few moments to complete and well worth your time.
Just rank the symptoms you are experiencing on a scale from 0 to 5—depending on their severity. Circle the appropriate number on the scale and ask other family members to do the same. Then, compare your notes.
Our Family is Under Stress from Our Teen’s Behavior
Your teen refuses to abide by anything you say or request, leading to a constant high level of stress and conflict in the home as a direct result. Your stress meter goes up whenever he or she comes home or walks into the room.
We’ve Seen Changes in Our Teen’s Motivation
Your child is displaying markedly different motivation from what has been normal. For instance, sleeping far too little or far too long, extreme forgetfulness, over aggression and explosiveness, depression, an uncaring attitude, anxiety or sadness, grades slipping, hating what they once loved or loving what they once hated, or spending too much time alone.
Our Teenager is Increasingly Disrespectful and Uncaring
Your child has become increasingly disrespectful, dishonest, or disobedient, openly displaying rebellion, no longer hiding his or her feelings or caring about the consequences, living only for the moment and not caring about the future.
We See Significant Rebellion or Defiance from Our Teenager
The teen has developed a blatant ignorance or profound rebellion toward your boundaries and rules of the home. This may appear in passive aggressiveness or open defiance that is unusually excessive for your child.
Our Teenager is Threatening and Acting Out Troubling Behaviors
Your teen is making veiled or outright threats of suicide or engaging in self-mutilation, eating disorders, cutting or other self-destructive activities. Or, he or she participates in excessive risk-taking, dangerous drug use, or blatant sexual promiscuity. The teen’s once healthy conscience or moral compass is seemingly lost.
We Also See Him/Her Mistreat Others
Your teen treats people, pets, or belongings in a threatening or out of control manner. You have to hide or disconnect the internet, telephone, television in order to stop your teen from blatantly and repeatedly using them inappropriately. Things of value are broken or lost by the teen with an uncaring attitude about it. You’ve had occasion to consider hiding your wallet, your keys, and anything having to do with money or valuables out of fear your teen may take them.
He/She Has Unusually Selfish or Self-Centered Thinking
Your teen thinks he or she is the center of your family (or the universe), shows blatant disregard for other family members’ time, feelings, schedule, or possessions. Manipulation or threats is used as a tool to get what he or she wants.
Our Teen Refuses to Participate with the Family
Your teen refuses to participate with or have anything to do with the family, or displays a growing hatred for the family. There is constant conflict between the teen and one family member or another.
We’re Seeing Extreme Peer-Dependence and Peer Attitudes
Peers have become the center of your child’s life and it is seemingly impossible to keep your child away from them. You see your child adopting their attitudes and taking on their appearance, their talk, and their activities. Your teen stays up most of the night taking phone calls from friends, instant messaging them, or sneaking out to be with them.
TOTAL SCORE: ____________ (0-45)
Assessment Scoring:
If your assessment score totals 30 or more, counseling is recommended. Find a good local counselor specializing in teen behavioral issues.
Take immediate action if your teenager ever shows signs of drug or alcohol abuse, eating behaviors, cutting, or has threatened suicide. They will not get better on their own and every day that goes by will make it harder for them to stop these behaviors.
I am grateful to Heartlight for their wonderful resources and helping so many troubled teenagers and their families. You can find out more about Heartlight – or contact them directly at (903) 668-2173.
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