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It’s Hard To Let Go When Our Kid Leaves Home

It's Hard To Let Go When Our Kid Leaves Home

Dear moms, as you prepare your heart for the big transition when your baby leaves your home to head off to college, grab some tissues, take a minute to reflect, and allow all those emotions out. Sometimes, moms just need a good cry.

It’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling- there’s a LOT going on with you and your child. It’s important to set aside some quiet time to really digest all that is going on and process this upcoming change for you both. For some moms, this might be relatively easy to do, but for most moms, it’s hard to let go when our kid leaves home.

I hope these personal posts written by other moms remind you that you are not alone. It’s okay to feel sad, scared, worried, and excited too! If I can do anything to help you through this challenging season, please reach out for support and guidance.

The Summer Before College

Watching my son walk into kindergarten was terrifying. He was so small and his backpack was nearly bigger than him.  He had been excited for weeks, but now with the door just a few feet away, his eyes filled with tears, and his chin quivered.  He buried his head into the side of my leg.  Then, fortunately, a helpful teacher’s aide whisked him through the doors.

I walked back to the car, holding in tears, which, of course, were released the moment I opened my car door and sat inside.  I sniffled my way to work, thinking about my little boy.  

Fast-forward seven years.  Now, he’s waiting at the bus stop for his first day of middle school.  His binder is organized in a better-fitting backpack; his tennis shoes are new.  I’m watching out my kitchen window as the bus pulls to a stop and opens the familiar, yellow doors.  Please let him find someone to sit with at lunch.  Please let his teachers be kind.  Please . . . the list went on inside my head.

Three years of middle school, four years of high school, and then – suddenly – it’s the summer before college.  

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Four Things Moms Will Miss When Their Kid Goes to College 

If you recently took your college kid to school, I’m betting you came home exhausted and emotional from the grueling but exciting transition that comes with this big change. And whether you planted your kid just a few hours away or traveled across several states, there’s a realization that slowly sets in as you begin to live your life with them away from home. You know they are exactly where they need to be. You are thrilled for this new season of their life, and you can’t wait to watch their future unfold. But you might struggle with adjusting to life without them, feeling a void where they used to be, and your heart might ache just a little- or a lot. 

Every mom will miss different things about their kid because we all have different experiences and relationships when it comes to parenting. But as I face my second year without my college kid home, these are the things I still miss the most. 

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Once Your Baby Leaves for College, You’ll Feel an Ache You Can’t Heal  

Once your baby leaves for college, you’ll feel an ache you can’t heal. 

It comes from a fresh, raw rip when you say goodbye.

Letting them go, to live on their own, is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.    

Your life will go on through the days, turned into weeks, turned into months without them there. But you’ll feel a constant longing, filled with the lingering echoes of the 18 years you raised them. This ache will live with you as you carry it along wherever you go, in whatever you do.  

It swells in unpredictable moments when you spot a car that looks like your baby’s car or you pass by their room, silent and vacant of their smell, their messes, and their presence. You’ll be shopping for groceries and realize you don’t need to buy their favorite food or look for their special shampoo. It will catch you off guard as you’re going through your day. Out of nowhere, you’ll feel the immense pull only a mother can feel, with a desperate need to see your baby, to fix the rip and fold them back into your arms where they’re safe and secure and you know they’re okay.    

Continue reading HERE. 

Her Room Will Be So Empty When My Graduate Leaves

I went into my daughter’s bedroom to leave her mail on her desk, a paycheck to add to all the others she’s saved for college. I noticed her desk was cleared and organized, and I glanced around her room to see that she put all her things in order, picked up all the clothes off the ground, and made her bed. A fresh wave of relief fell over me as I once again realized how much she has grown during this pivotal last year at home. Watching her mature in so many ways and witnessing all the progress taking place, has been the most incredible part of parenting my teen.  

She’s developed a new sense of responsibility for her things and a new sense of accountability for herself. It’s as if the natural order of life has unfolded before my eyes as she continues to transform into this young adult, full of goals and dreams she is carefully creating for herself. She has learned that hard work and mindful intention are the keys to her success.  

I can’t remember when things started to change. I can’t identify any specific moment when it all became so clear, and I saw her in an entirely different way. Growing up is a slow, sometimes grueling, but always glorious process with our kids, and the realization that they have somehow made great strides, learned so much, and will someday do great things comes in unpredictable waves of utter joy. And this was one of those times. 

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Moms, it’s okay to be emotional right now. We all need to let our feelings out and remember we are not alone! I hope these personal reflections helped you feel affirmed and encouraged. I know it’s hard to let go when your kid leaves home, whether they are heading off to college or trade school, joining the military, traveling abroad, moving out to live on their own, pursuing career opportunities, or whatever else they plan on doing. Just remember, your job isn’t over. You will still have an important role to play in this new season of parenting.

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